
アルル In Situ 0.5, イン・スィチュ(サイトスペシフィック) 0.5
5ème rencontre Land Art, arts visuels en Camargue
Mas du Grand Arbaud à Gageron, Arles アルル
Artistes: Elodie Tanguy,Pascale Planche,Flavie Cournil,Philippe Domergue,Guillaume Corentin,Hugo Verlinde,Pierre Laurent,Thierry Godet,Made
コンタクト:Cultures Nomades Production 協会
60,Rue de Chartrouse
13200 Arles
Email : cnp@hotmail.fr ou culturesnomadesprod@gmail.com

レンヌLes Ateliers de Renne, Biennale d’art contemporain
Ce qui vient / What Comes
レ・ザトリエ・ド・レンヌ 第二回国際現代アートビエンナーレ、Art Norac協会主催、多数のメセナ参加。
30 April – 18 July 2010
Curator: Raphaële Jeune
Artists: Anonymous (RO), Barbara Noiret, Barking Dogs United, Basim Magdy, Berdaguer & Péjus, Bureau d’études, Catherine Contour, Claude Lévêque, Colectivo Tercerunquinto, Dafna Maimon, Davide Balula, Didier Courbot, Djamel Kokene, Dora Garcia, Francesco Finizio, Frédéric Dumond, Hinrich Sachs, Jocelyn Cottencin, Julien Prévieux, Kan-Si, Laurent Duthion, Mario Garcia Torres, Mario Merz, Mati Diop, Mauro Cerqueira, Renata Poljak, Reynald Drouhin, Simona Denicolai et Ivo Provost, Société Réaliste, Stéphanie Bühler, Thierry Boutonnier, UltralabTM, Benoît-Marie Moriceau, Goldin+Senneby, Liam Gillick, Pierre Bismuth, Stéfanie Bourne, Thomas Hirschhorn, Flavien Théry, Aggtelek, Yona Friedman, Piniang, Damien Marchal, Alain Michard, Emmanuelle Lainé.
4, rue d’Échange, F-35000 Rennes
Métro : Sainte-Anne
展覧会コンセプト:What Comes, the second edition of Les Ateliers de Rennes – Biennale d’Art Contemporain, will focus on the theme of the future and the thought surrounding it, based on a proposal by Raphaële Jeune. Operating on an international level, this event connects rigorous exploratory and analytical examination of crucial issues facing our societies and their economies, with the desire to bring together some of the most pertinent artistic approaches currently employed. Numerous artists, theoreticians and actors working in this domain will be invited to construct and animate this platform of creation and reflection, whose aim is to bring to light the forms, processes and contradictions of our relationship with tomorrow.



モン・ド・マルサン - Mont-de-Marsan Sculptures “Au fil de l’eau”
モン・ド・マルサン彫刻展 2010年4月30日から5月30日まで
du 30 avril au 30 mai 2010
Artistes: Jacques Vieille, Jean-Luc Bichaud, Christophes Doucet, Jérôme Houadec, Etienne Bossut, Collectif AIAA